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After School and Lunchtime Clubs

Each term the teachers at Woodfield offer a range of after school clubs, some of these are physical and are led by our PE TA and a teacher and other include things such as art and crafts, science and drama. 

The clubs on offer this term are below and can be booked through the Arbor system.  Please contact the school office if you have any questions about booking these clubs. 

Lunchtime Clubs

Day Club 
Tuesady EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Colouring and Drawing 
Tuesday EYFS & KS1 Build It Club
Thursday KS2 TTRS
Friday KS1 and KS2 Choir

After School Clubs

Day Club
Monday KS2 Eco Club
Monday KS1 & KS2 Boardgames
Monday Y1-Y3 Yoga
Tuesday KS2 Microbits
Thursday EYFS & KS1 Maths Colouring