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Welcome to the Nursery at Woodfield. We are a very special place where children are nurtured and supported to learn and develop in a high quality play led environment. The staff team have a wealth of experience and work closely together to develop young children through their early years.

We value and promote a natural environment where children's interests and fascinations are used to build a broad and balanced curriculum. Children's language development is carefully planned for through a story rich environment with language and vocabulary at the heart of practice. We build strong emotional and social skills which develop their wellbeing as they build confidence in their learning and in their relationships. Active learning is a key part of the provision and children's physical development is well-supported. These key areas are the grounding for the Specific Areas of the Early Years Curriculum and enable children to make outstanding progress and good outcomes.



Please follow the link to the EYFS Curriculum:

We take children from 2 years old to 4 years old and accept Me2 funding, 30 hours funding and 3-4 year old places for children within our community.

The Early Years team work in partnership with families and build strong and ongoing relationships, working together to ensure the very best outcomes for children. A strong multi-agency approach promotes child development, early identification of need and research led practice to support early intervention.

We share the day-to-day life and experiences of the nursery children through our Class Dojo page and like to catch families informally on a daily basis to ensure strong working partnerships to the benefit of the child. 

When immersing our children in reading, we use the 'Super Six' to ensure that there is a breadth of books that challenge and develop children’s curiosity and understanding of the world, with the child’s experience always remaining central to the thinking of every practitioner.

3-4 Super Six

Please click here to read the Nursery Newsletter.